Month End Closing Screen

Use this screen to lock a month and prevent actions from occurring after the month end closing.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Lock month This option is enabled when checked.
Lock month droplist This droplist is enabled when the Lock month option is checked. Select the number of days after month end from this list.
Last month locked This value indicated the last locked month. You cannot edit this field.
Current month This value indicates when the current month becomes locked. This value is taken from the Lock month droplist.
Close Repair Order - Close Date and/or Post Date for repair order must be after the last month lock This option pertains to the Close Repair Order action. When checked, this option prevents the user from entering a value in the Close Date and/or Post Date fields that is after the last month locked date .
New Receipt - Receipt Date on new receipts and adjustments must be after the last month locked This option pertains to the New Receipt action. When checked, this option prevents the user from entering a value in the Receipt Date field that is after the last month locked date .
New Invoice - Invoice Date on new vendor invoices must be after the last month locked This option pertains to the New Invoice action. When checked, this option prevents the user from entering a value in the Invoice Date field that is after the last month locked date.
New Credit Memo - Credit Date on new parts returns and partial credits must be after the last month locked This option pertains to the New Credit Memo - Parts Return and New Credit Memo - Partial Credit actions. When checked, this option prevents the user from entering a value in the Credit Date field that is after the last month locked date.
New Deposit - Deposit Date on new deposits must be after the last month locked This option pertains to the New Deposit action. When checked, this option prevents the user from entering a value in the Deposit Date field that is after the last month locked date.

See Also

Setting up Workflow Lock Period Restrictions







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